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Daily Tour
2 people
Outstanding Dubai 5 nights and 6 days are available here! Your travel itch will be satisfied by everything in this largest city, which is on a grand scale. Dubai never fails to live up to your expectations with the Burj Khalifa, the tallest skyscraper in the world, the world’s fastest elevator, the Palm and the World artificial islands, and much more. Dubai, the city of superlatives, is one of the most popular travel destinations worldwide. Many travellers come to this city every year to indulge in luxury from all around the world. Enjoy a variety of activities for people of all ages during your vacation in this wonderful city.
Day- 1 Arrival and Marina Dinner Dhow Cruise
Day- 2 Wild Wadi Water Park
Day- 3 Ski Dubai + Dinner in the Sky
Day- 4 Flyboarding Dubai + Desert Safari + Quad BikeÂ
Day- 5 Dubai’s Aquarium and Underwater Zoo | Burj KhalifaÂ
Day- 6 Departure
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