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Daily Tour
1 person
One of India’s most well-known cuisines, Rajasthani food comes from the country’s northwestern state of Rajasthan. Rajasthani eateries are scarce in Dubai.
Best Rajasthani Restaurants in Dubai
1. Kathhiyawadi Thali: If you enjoy sugar-free food, you would adore Kathiyawadi Express, which provides traditional Gujarati cuisine from Kathiyawad. Most of us understand that Gujarati food is sweet. That was really enjoying hot meal.
Location: Al Karama, Dubai
2. Rajdhani Street: The restaurant features plenty of seating and a warm, vibrant atmosphere. Here, the cuisine speaks more than the décor. They offer Thali, Chaats, combo meals, munchies, street cuisine specialties, desserts, and beverages on their elegantly designed menu.
Location: Al Karama, Dubai
3. Maharaja Bhog:Â Premium veg thali: The seating space at the roomy eatery Maharaja Bhog is welcoming. For those who are unaware, a thali is a full meal that is served on a sizable plate and includes salads, pickles, appetisers, main dishes, and desserts. It is typically served for lunch in India. You may consume as well during dinner. Different thalis are available in every Indian state. Gujarati and Rajasthani thali are served at Maharaja Bhog. Gujarat and Rajasthan are two separate Indian states.
Location: Al Karama, Dubai
4. Chokhi Dhani: The menu at Chokhi Dhani Dubai is evidence of the elaborate culinary traditions of Rajasthan. The restaurant’s chefs provide a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes that appeal to all palates using authentic ingredients and conventional cooking methods. In addition to its menu, Chokhi Dhani Dubai also provides a variety of events and activities that enhance the overall dining experience. Tarot card readings, henna tattoos, camel rides, and even elephant rides are available to guests. Diners can take a piece of Rajasthan home with them by purchasing authentic Rajasthani handicrafts and artifacts from the restaurant’s souvenir shop.
Location: Al Seef, Umm Hurair, Bur Dubai
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