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Daily Tour
2 people
With this flexible 5-night, 6-day Dubai package, you may finally take that much-needed break and embark on the trip of a lifetime. Get pampered with this incredible 6-day, all-inclusive Dubai itinerary, which will take you on a guided tour of the city and give you the chance to cruise opulently around Dubai Creek. In the United Arab Emirates, the city and emirate of Dubai is well-known for its upscale shopping, cutting-edge buildings, and vibrant nightlife. Discover Dubai’s sights and sounds with our 6-day personalized itinerary.
Day 1 – Arrival and Marina Dinner Dhow Cruise
Day 2 – Dubai’s Aquarium and Underwater Zoo | Burj KhalifaÂ
Day 3 – Dubai Miracle Garden | Dubai Frame | Limo Ride
Day 4 – Shopping Mall of Emirates | Ski DubaiÂ
Day 5 – City Tour with Desert SafariÂ
Day 6 – Departure
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